Estimates: Creating a Quick Estimate

Updated at December 31st, 2024


Odyssey allows printers to create a quick estimate- the ability to free-form add line items, cost, and price as desired without setting up estimate workflows.


Step 1: Selecting or Creating a Customer

Overview: The first step in creating a new Odyssey estimate is selecting an existing customer or creating a new customer. This screen allows you to search for and select a customer or to add a new customer if they are not already in the system.

Key Features and Components

Select a Contact

  • A list of existing customers is displayed, from which you can choose the relevant customer.
  • Search Bar: Allows you to type and search for contacts by name, email, company, or branch.
  • Filter Options: Drop-down menus to filter contacts by company or branch.

Create New Customer Button

  • A green button labeled to add a new contact if the desired customer is not listed.

Contact List

  • Displays contacts with details such as name, email, phone number, company, and branch.
  • Radio Button: Select the contact by clicking the radio button next to the customer’s name.

Navigation Controls

  • Pagination controls to navigate through multiple pages of contacts.
  • Next Step Button: A green button labeled to proceed to the next step of the estimate creation process.

Steps to Select or Create a Customer

Select an Existing Customer

  • Use the search bar to find the customer by typing their name, email, company, or branch.
  • You can also use the filter drop-downs under 'Company' or 'Branch' to narrow down the search.
  • Once the desired customer is found, click the radio button next to their name to select them.

Create a New Customer

  • If the customer is not listed, click the button.
  • Fill in the required details for the new customer in the 'Add new contact' screen
  • Select 'Save' to save the newly create customer

Proceed to Next Step

  • After selecting the existing customer or creating a new customer, click the button to proceed to the 'Estimate Information' screen.




Example of the 'Select a contact' screen


Step 2: Entering Estimate Information

Overview: The next step in creating a new estimate in Odyssey involves entering detailed information about the estimate, including the estimate name, product details, and any additional information. This screen allows you to specify the product being estimated and input up top three quantities for the estimate.

Key Features and Components

Customer Information

  • Displays the selected customer's name and contact information at the top right of the screen for reference.

Estimate Information Section

  • Estimate Name: Enter a name for the estimate (e.g., "Summer Brochures").
  • Estimate Date: Automatically populated with the current date.
  • Estimate Expiration Date: Enter the date when the estimate expires; this can be adjusted if needed.

Product Information Section

  • Product: Select the product this estimate is needed for from the drop-down list.
  • Quantity 1, Quantity 2, Quantity 3: Enter different quantities for the estimate (e.g., 500, 1000, 2000).

Additional Information Section

  • Notes: Add any additional notes or special instructions related to the estimate.

Navigation Controls

  • Previous Step Button: A button to go back to the previous step.
  • Next Step Button: A green button labeled to proceed to the next step of the estimate creation process.

Steps to Enter Estimate Information

Enter Estimate Name

  • Type a descriptive name for the estimate in the Estimate Name field.

Specify Estimate Expiration Date

  • Adjust the Estimate Expiration Date (if needed) to specify how long the estimate is valid.

Select a Product

  • Click on the drop-down menu under Product and select the appropriate product for the estimate (e.g., Brochures).

Enter Quantities

  • Input the desired quantities in the Quantity 1, Quantity 2, and Quantity 3fields.
    • These can be different quantities to provide the customer with options (e.g., 500, 1000, 2000).
    • Only 'Quantity 1' is required.

Add Additional Information

  • If there are any special instructions or notes related to the estimate, enter them in the Notes section.

Proceed to Next Step

  • After completing all the required fields, click the button to proceed to the next step in the estimate creation process.

Tips for Efficient Use

  • Ensure that all mandatory fields (marked with a red asterisk) are completed before proceeding.
  • Use the Notes section to capture any specific requirements or instructions that need to be considered.




Example of choosing 'Brochures' product for an estimate workflow



3. Select 'Create a Quick Estimate'

  • From the Workflow Details screen, choose the Create a Quick Estimate button found at the bottom next 'Start with an empty workflow.
  • This option allows the user to bypass traditional estimate workflows for quick, streamlined estimation.




4. Fill Out the Quick Estimate Fields

  • The next screen presents a simplified interface for entering estimate details:
    • Display name: Adjust the name for the quantity tab (if desired)
    • Items Section: Add individual line items for the estimate by selecting the ‘Add Item’ button.
      • Enter details for each item, including name, quantity, and cost.
    • Subtotals Section: Select the ‘Add Subtotal’ button to include grouped subtotals if applicable.
    • Notes Section:
      • Notes for Print Buyer: Include notes or instructions visible to the customer.
      • Internal Notes: Add internal-only notes for production staff reference.

5. Save, Send, or Print

  • Save: Click Save to save the estimate within Odyssey
  • Send to Customer: Select this option to review and send the estimate to the customer for approval.
  • Print Estimate: Use this option to generate a printshop or customer PDF of the estimate.


Above: The first screen after selecting the ‘Create a Quick Estimate’ button



Editing Line Items per Quantity Tab


The Quick Estimate feature allows the printer to fully customize the estimate for the selected quantity (in this case, 250). The user can add line items, adjust quantities and costs, and include subtotals or notes for clarity. This flexibility ensures the estimate aligns with customer needs and specific project requirements.

Key Features

Line Items Section

  • Adding Line Items:
    • Each line item represents a specific part of the workflow (e.g., "Cutting," "Printing," "Trimming").
    • To add a new item, select the Add item button.
  • Customizable Fields:
    • Item: Provide a description of the process, material, or product being estimated (e.g., "Cutting - 20# Bond").
    • Quantity: Enter the quantity required for this step.
    • Cost: Specify the cost per quantity for each line item.
  • Deleting Items:
    • Use the red Trash icon to remove a line item if it is no longer needed.

Subtotal Section

  • Adding Subtotals (optional)
    • Select Add subtotal to create a subtotal line for additional costs, such as "Shipping."
    • Enter the Subtotal name and Cost to include in the estimate.

Notes Section

  • Notes for Print Buyer:
    • Include specific instructions or deadlines visible to the customer (e.g., "This will be delivered by noon on 1/25/25.").
  • Internal Notes:
    • Add notes for internal staff, not visible to the customer (e.g., "Ensure printing is on the 20# Bond").

Adjusting the Total Price

  • Total Price Override:
    • Although the system calculates the total based on the line items and subtotals, the Total price field is editable. Users can override the calculated total if necessary.
    • Upon editing the ‘Total price’, a pin icon will appear, indicating the price has been modified.

Quantity Tabs

  • Tabs at the top represent different quantities for the estimate (e.g., 250, 500, 1000).
  • Adjustments can be made independently for each quantity tab.

Save and Share Options

  • Save: Save the current progress for further review or editing.
  • Print Estimate: Generate a printable PDF version of the estimate for internal or customer use.
  • Send to Customer: Send the estimate to the customer for approval.

How Printers Can Use This Screen

  • This screen provides a blank slate to tailor an estimate from scratch, including every detail the customer might need.
  • It’s especially useful for projects with non-standard workflows, where the printer needs full control over the steps, quantities, and costs.
  • Printers can ensure the customer sees exactly what’s included in the estimate, including additional costs like shipping or custom materials.

Above: Example of line items added as well as a ‘Shipping’ subtotal



Editing Additional Quantity Tabs


Each quantity tab within a Quick Estimate can be personalized, allowing for unique line items, quantities, costs, and total prices for each quantity option. In this example, the 500 Quantity Tab is being customized.

Key Features of the Quantity Tab

Independent Customization

  • Each quantity tab (e.g., 250, 500, 1000) can be tailored independently.
  • Adjustments made to the line items, quantities, and costs within one tab do not affect the other quantity tabs.

Editable Line Items

  • Users can:
    • Add specific line items for the 500 Quantity Tab (e.g., "Cutting - 20# Bond," "Print - 1/0").
    • Adjust the Quantity and Cost fields for each line item based on the requirements for 500 units.
  • Line items can be deleted using the Trash icon if no longer required.

Adding Subtotals

  • Subtotals (e.g., "Shipping") can be included for each quantity tab, ensuring that all additional costs are captured accurately.
  • Subtotals are specific to the tab and do not apply across all quantities.
  • Adding Subtotals is optional

Adjusting the Total Price

  • The Total Price field can be manually overridden to reflect any specific pricing agreements or adjustments for the quantity.
    • Upon editing the ‘Total price’, a pin icon will appear, indicating the price has been modified.

Notes for Print Buyer

  • Notes like "Needed by 1/05/2025" can be included to specify deadlines or additional instructions visible to the customer.

Internal Notes

  • Internal notes ensure clarity for internal teams, such as "Ensure printing is on the 20# Bond." These notes are not visible to the customer.


Above: Example of editing the quantity ‘500’ tab


Sending the Quick Estimate to the Print Buyer


After completing the customization of all quantity tabs within the Quick Estimate, the Send to customer button enables the printshop to review the finalized estimate before sending it to the print buyer for approval.

Key Features of the 'Send to Customer' Review Pop-up

Estimates Summary

  • Displays an overview of the quantities and corresponding prices for all tabs (e.g., 250, 500, and 1000).
  • Allows the printshop to ensure the pricing is accurate before sending the estimate.

Editable Quantities and Prices

  • If adjustments are required, the printshop can return to the estimate by closing the pop-up to modify line items, quantities, or total prices for any of the quantity tabs.

Sending the Estimate

  • Clicking the Send to Customer button in the ‘Estimates Summary’ pop-up finalizes the estimate and submits it to the print buyer for review and approval.

Valid Until Date

  • The estimate includes a valid until date to inform the print buyer of the deadline for acceptance.
  • As a default, quick estimates are valid 30 days from the day they were created.

Sending to the Customer

  1. Click the Send to customer button on the main estimate page.
  2. Review the quantities and prices in the Estimates Summary pop-up.
  3. Ensure all details are accurate and click Send to customer again to email the customer the estimate.
  4. If changes are required, close the pop-up and return to the estimate for edits.


Above: Selecting the ‘Send to customer’ button


Printshop PDF Overview

Purpose of the Printshop PDF

The Printshop PDF provides a detailed internal document for the printshop team to reference or print. It includes all the necessary specifications, quantities, and costs for each item in the estimate. This document is useful for internal production planning and tracking.

Key Features

Detailed Breakdown Per Quantity

  • The PDF organizes information by each quantity tab (e.g., 250, 500, 1000) with the corresponding details and costs.
  • Includes all line items (e.g., Cutting, Printing, Trimming, Boxing) with their respective quantities and costs.

Job Notes

  • Notes for internal purposes are prominently displayed to ensure specific instructions (e.g., "Ensure printing is on the 20# Bond") are not missed by the production team.

Total Cost

  • The total cost for each quantity is calculated and displayed, including any added subtotals (e.g., Shipping).

Categorization and Identification

  • Includes the Estimate Number, Category (e.g., Brochures), and other identifiers for quick reference.

How to Generate the Printshop PDF

  1. From the estimate page, select the Print estimate button.
  2. Choose Printshop PDF from the drop-down menu.
  3. The PDF will display each quantity tab in a separate section, making it easy for the team to reference or print the document.

Use Case

  • This PDF acts as an internal job ticket that ensures smooth communication and execution within the printshop.
  • It is particularly useful when handing off jobs to production teams, as all required details are consolidated in one document.


Above: An example of the printshop estimate PDF


Printbuyer PDF Overview

Purpose of the Printbuyer PDF

The Printbuyer PDF is the version of the estimate specifically tailored for the customer (printbuyer). It presents all details clearly and professionally, allowing the customer to review the estimate's breakdown, quantities, and costs for approval.

Key Features

Organized by Quantity

  • Each quantity tab (e.g., 250, 500, 1000) is presented as a separate section for clarity.
  • Ensures the customer can see specific details for each quantity option.

Detailed Line Items

  • Includes the description, quantity, and cost of each item in the estimate.
  • Provides transparency into the breakdown of the total price.

Job Notes

  • Displays notes for the customer, such as deadlines or additional requirements (e.g., "Needed by 1/05/2025").

Categorization and Identification

  • Includes the Estimate Number, Category (e.g., Brochures), and other identifiers for quick reference.

How to Generate the Printbuyer PDF

  1. From the estimate page, select the Print estimate button.
  2. Choose Customer PDF from the drop-down menu.
  3. The PDF will include separate sections for each quantity tab, formatted for the customer to easily review.

Use Case

  • This PDF can be printed or emailed to the customer for review.



Above: An example of the printbuyer estimate PDF


Reject Estimate and Approve by Customer Buttons

Purpose of These Buttons

These two buttons allow the printshop to take action on the estimate, either rejecting it or approving it on behalf of the customer. They work the same way across all estimate types, including Quick Estimates, ensuring consistency in user experience.

Reject Estimate

What It Does:

  • The Reject estimate button allows the printbuyer to decline the estimate on behalf of the customer.
  • This could happen if the customer is not satisfied with the pricing, specifications, or any other aspect of the estimate.

Action Taken:

  • Once rejected, the estimate's status changes to Rejected and is placed in Odyssey's ‘Rejected Estimates’ section.


Approve by Customer

What It Does:

  • The Approve by customer button is used to confirm the customer's acceptance of the estimate.
  • Approval signifies that the customer agrees to the terms, pricing, and details outlined in the estimate.

Action Taken:

  • Once approved, the estimate's status updates to a ‘Pending’ job, signaling that production can proceed.

Next Steps:

  • The printshop can begin processing the job based on the approved estimate.


Usage in Quick Estimates

  • These buttons function identically in Quick Estimates as they do in standard or custom workflow estimates.
  • They ensure a seamless approval/rejection process regardless of how the estimate was created.


Above: The ‘Reject estimate’ and ‘Approve by customer’ buttons for a quick estimate.