02 - Exploring the Control Center

Control Center, Getting Started Series, Website, Work in Progress

Updated at February 19th, 2025

Table of Contents

The Control Center is where you use all the customization and administrative features of your website. This article will give you a quick tour of the Control Center and explain what each of its sub-menus are used to accomplish. We'll be diving into some of those categories more thoroughly in the following Knowledgebase articles.

The Control Center is where you do it all

The Control Center is the complete administrative hub for you website. Whether you need to create a new order form, manage your customer's accounts or configure your website's customization options, nearly all of the work you will be doing for your website will take place in the Control Center. Think of it this way: your website is for your customers to go to place orders and view your content, and the Control Center is where you as a printshop owner go to manage those orders and to customize your website.

The Control Center's Main Menu Contains the following:

Website Builder

The Website Builder is the first step in customizing your free demo website, and will walk you through the key portions of your website that will require personalization. This easy-to-follow page will guide you through 23 steps to get you up and running. There's no pressure to finish it all in one sitting, so feel free to progress at your own pace.

Once you've completed the Website Builder section, it is unlikely you'll need to access it again. But just in case you might need it, it is always available to you in the Control Center.


The Workflow section is where you'll handle all of your order management. Every customer transaction in your system can be found here, whether it's an estimate request, a file sent from the customer, or even a completed prior order. You and your employees will be spending a lot of time in the Workflow section, so we'll be tackling that in detail later on in this series.

Web Pages

Much of the content on your website can be customized. The Web Pages section gives you quick and easy access to the editable content of your website. You may recognize a lot of the content in this section, because it contains much of the same content as the Website Builder section. By clicking through the sidebar menus in this section, you can work your way through editing your entire site.

My Website

The My Website section contains several of the top-level, system-wide configuration settings. This is where you'll update the things that appear throughout the site, like your address, phone numbers, and the shipping and billing options that are available to your customers. You can also manage your Email Newsletter (titled as Printer@Work) and email settings, and top-level Search Engine Optimization (SEO) settings in this section.


You, your employees and your customers will all need to have user accounts to use the website. The Accounts section is where you can manage those. You can create and edit accounts here, as well as assign account-level settings, like who should get system notifications, what accounts require management approval to place orders, and what shipping or billing options are available to them. This section will be addressed in greater detail in the next article of this series.

Order Forms

Order forms make it possible for your customers to place an order for printing on your website. The Control Center's Order Forms section is where you can manage those forms. Here, you can customize the system-ready forms or create fully custom forms to suit your printshop's specific requirements. You are also able to assign order forms to a company, branch or individual account, creating a private Reorder Form Library for your customers.

This is one of the most important functions of your website, and will be the subject of several of the articles in this series.

Client Support

We do our best to make the website as simple to use as possible. If you find you need more assistance, Client Support is the place to go. Here, you have access to our growing Knowledgebase library, which is built in response to previous customer questions that you may also find instructive. If you need more personalized assistance, you are also able to use Client Support to submit your question directly to our customer support team and track the status of your request through to completion. Of course, you are always welcome to contact us directly at 800-736-0688, and we'll add your phone request into Client Support on your behalf.

It's In There

The Control Center is the complete package: every setting that can be changed, every order form that can be created or edited, every customer account that can be managed, everything that can be done -- can be done in the Control Center. To make the most of it, please take a moment before moving on to the next article to click through the various Control Center menus and become acquainted with what they contain.

The next step

Your customers will need to have accounts to place orders on your website. Our next article shows you how to create customer accounts, and also how your customers can create their own.